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29th International Conference on Neurology & Neurophysiology, will be organized around the theme “The Future of Brain Health: Transforming Diagnosis, Treatment and Care”

Neurophysiology 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Neurophysiology 2025

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Advancements in Alzheimer's disease treatment are focused on developing new therapeutic approaches to slow or halt disease progression. Current research includes the identification and validation of biomarkers for early diagnosis, enabling intervention at the earliest stages. Novel drug candidates targeting amyloid plaques and tau tangles, the hallmark proteins of Alzheimer's, are in various stages of clinical trials. Immunotherapy, including vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, aims to clear these toxic proteins from the brain. Gene therapy approaches are being explored to address genetic risk factors associated with the disease. Researchers are also investigating neuroprotective agents that can protect brain cells from damage. Advances in neuroimaging techniques allow for better tracking of disease progression and treatment efficacy. Personalized medicine approaches tailor treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup and disease characteristics. Lifestyle interventions, including diet, exercise, and cognitive training, are being studied for their potential to delay onset or reduce symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs are being tested to address the neuroinflammation seen in Alzheimer's patients. Blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability studies aim to enhance drug delivery to the brain. Cutting-edge research in stem cell therapy seeks to replace or repair damaged neurons. Combination therapies that target multiple pathways involved in Alzheimer's pathogenesis are gaining attention. Advances in digital health and wearable technology are providing new ways to monitor patients' cognitive function and treatment responses. Overall, the field is moving towards a more comprehensive and multifaceted approach to tackling Alzheimer's disease.

The genetics of neurodegenerative diseases involves studying how genetic variations contribute to the development and progression of disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis . Researchers have identified specific genes associated with these diseases, including APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 for Alzheimer's, and SNCA, LRRK2, and PARK2 for Parkinson's. Mutations in the HTT gene cause Huntington's disease, while SOD1, TDP-43, and FUS are linked to ALS. Understanding these genetic factors helps elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration. Advanced techniques such as genome-wide association studies  and next-generation sequencing  are used to identify new genetic variants and pathways involved in these diseases. Epigenetic factors, including DNA methylation and histone modification, are also being studied for their role in gene expression regulation in neurodegeneration. Familial forms of neurodegenerative diseases, which are inherited, provide critical insights into the genetic basis of these conditions. Research is also focused on identifying genetic risk factors in sporadic cases, which occur without a clear family history. The identification of genetic biomarkers aids in early diagnosis and the development of targeted therapies. Gene therapy is emerging as a potential treatment strategy, aiming to correct or mitigate the effects of harmful genetic mutations. Personalized medicine approaches are being developed to tailor treatments based on an individual's genetic profile. Collaborative efforts in biobanking and data sharing are accelerating discoveries in the field. The integration of genetics with other biological data, such as proteomics and metabolomics, provides a more comprehensive understanding of neurodegenerative diseases. Ultimately, genetic research is paving the way for more effective interventions and preventative strategies for these debilitating conditions.

Neuroinflammation is a critical factor in the development and progression of various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis , and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis . It involves the activation of the brain's immune cells, primarily microglia and astrocytes, in response to injury or disease. While acute inflammation can be protective, chronic neuroinflammation leads to neuronal damage and dysfunction. In Alzheimer's disease, neuroinflammation is triggered by amyloid-beta plaques and tau tangles, exacerbating neurodegeneration. Parkinson's disease features inflammation driven by the accumulation of alpha-synuclein in dopaminergic neurons. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, leading to inflammation and demyelination. ALS involves neuroinflammation that accelerates motor neuron degeneration. Advanced imaging techniques and biomarkers are being developed to detect and monitor neuroinflammation in these diseases. Research is exploring the role of cytokines, chemokines, and other inflammatory mediators in the brain's immune response. Targeting neuroinflammatory pathways with drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , immunomodulators, and biologics, holds promise for therapeutic intervention. Lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, may also influence neuroinflammation and are being studied for their potential protective effects. Understanding the balance between protective and harmful inflammation is key to developing effective treatments. Neuroinflammation is also linked to psychiatric disorders, including depression and schizophrenia, highlighting its broad impact on brain health. Overall, neuroinflammation research aims to uncover new strategies to prevent and treat a wide range of neurological disorders.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures resulting from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizure management aims to control these episodes, improve quality of life, and minimize side effects of treatment. Antiepileptic drugs  are the primary treatment, with newer medications offering options for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Research is focused on understanding the underlying mechanisms of epilepsy, including genetic factors, ion channel dysfunctions, and neurotransmitter imbalances. Surgical interventions, such as resective surgery and laser ablation, are considered for patients who do not respond to medications. Vagus nerve stimulation and responsive neurostimulation  are neuromodulation techniques used to reduce seizure frequency. Dietary therapies, like the ketogenic diet, are effective for some patients, particularly children with specific epilepsy syndromes. Advances in neuroimaging, such as MRI and PET scans, aid in identifying seizure foci and guiding treatment decisions. Wearable devices and mobile apps are emerging tools for seizure monitoring and management, providing real-time data to patients and clinicians. Personalized medicine approaches are being developed, tailoring treatments based on an individual's genetic profile and seizure patterns. Research into seizure prediction and prevention aims to provide early warnings and reduce the impact of seizures. Cannabidiol  has gained attention as a potential treatment for certain epilepsy syndromes, showing promise in reducing seizure frequency. The stigma associated with epilepsy is being addressed through education and advocacy, promoting better understanding and support for those affected. Clinical trials are ongoing to test new drugs and therapies, expanding the options available for epilepsy management. The ultimate goal is to achieve seizure freedom for all patients while minimizing side effects and improving overall well-being.

Pediatric neurology focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological conditions affecting infants, children, and adolescents. This specialty covers a wide range of disorders, including developmental delays, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, genetic neurological disorders, and neurodevelopmental conditions like autism spectrum disorders. Specialists in pediatric neurology work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Diagnostic tools such as EEG , MRI and genetic testing are crucial in accurately assessing and diagnosing neurological disorders in children. Treatment strategies often involve a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating therapies such as physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral interventions. Advances in pediatric neurology include new medications, surgical techniques, and innovative therapies designed to improve outcomes and quality of life for children with neurological conditions. Research in this field explores the genetic and environmental factors contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders, aiming to uncover new treatments and preventive strategies. Pediatric neurologists also play a critical role in educating families about their child's condition, providing support, and empowering parents to advocate for their child's health and well-being. Early intervention is emphasized to maximize developmental potential and improve long-term outcomes for children with neurological disorders. Collaborative efforts in pediatric neurology research and care continue to advance our understanding and treatment options, paving the way for better outcomes and improved quality of life for pediatric patients and their families.

Peripheral neuropathy involves damage to the peripheral nerves, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain, often in the hands and feet. It can result from various causes, including diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infections, and certain medications. Effective pain management strategies for peripheral neuropathy aim to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life for patients. Pharmacological treatments include medications such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and opioids, although the latter are used cautiously due to their potential for dependence and side effects. Non-pharmacological approaches such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and acupuncture can also help manage symptoms and improve nerve function. Lifestyle modifications, including maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing underlying conditions like diabetes, are essential for symptom control and nerve health. Advanced treatments like nerve blocks and electrical nerve stimulation may be recommended for severe or refractory cases of neuropathic pain. Research continues to explore new therapies, such as gene therapy and stem cell treatments, aimed at repairing damaged nerves and restoring function. Multidisciplinary pain management teams collaborate to provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs. Education and support play a crucial role in empowering patients to manage their symptoms effectively and maintain their overall well-being. Continued advancements in understanding neuropathic pain mechanisms and developing targeted therapies offer hope for improved outcomes and quality of life for individuals living with peripheral neuropathy.

Sleep disorders encompass a range of conditions affecting the quantity, quality, and timing of sleep, with significant implications for neurological health. Common disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome  and narcolepsy. Neurology intersects with sleep disorders as many neurological conditions disrupt sleep patterns and vice versa, highlighting bidirectional influences. Diagnostic tools such as polysomnography (PSG) and actigraphy are used to assess sleep disorders and their impact on overall health. Treatment approaches vary depending on the disorder and may include behavioral therapies, medications, and devices like continuous positive airway pressure  machines for sleep apnea. Research focuses on understanding the neurobiological basis of sleep, including the role of neurotransmitters, neural circuits, and the circadian rhythm in regulating sleep-wake cycles. Sleep disorders are linked to increased risks of neurological conditions such as stroke, dementia, and mood disorders, underscoring the importance of effective management. Lifestyle modifications, such as establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a sleep-conducive environment, are integral to improving sleep quality. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia  is effective in addressing underlying psychological factors contributing to sleep disturbances. Public health initiatives aim to raise awareness about the importance of sleep hygiene and promote healthy sleep habits from childhood through adulthood. Emerging technologies, including wearable devices and mobile apps, offer new opportunities for monitoring sleep patterns and optimizing treatment outcomes. Collaborative efforts between neurologists, sleep specialists, and other healthcare providers are essential for comprehensive care and improving the quality of life for individuals affected by sleep disorders.

Neuroimaging innovations encompass a diverse array of technologies and techniques aimed at visualizing and understanding the structure, function, and connectivity of the brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging remains a cornerstone, providing detailed anatomical images without radiation. Functional MRI maps brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow and oxygenation levels, crucial for studying cognitive processes and disorders. Diffusion Tensor Imaging  tracks the brain's white matter tracts, essential for understanding connectivity and neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis. Positron Emission Tomography  scans use radiotracers to detect metabolic and biochemical changes indicative of diseases such as Alzheimer's. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography  provides similar insights using different isotopes. Advances in neuroimaging include higher resolution techniques, such as ultra-high field MRI, improving spatial detail and diagnostic accuracy. Spectroscopy techniques measure brain metabolites, aiding in the study of neurochemical changes in conditions like epilepsy. Real-time imaging modalities, like functional near-infrared spectroscopy , offer portable and non-invasive monitoring of brain activity. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming neuroimaging by automating analysis, enhancing diagnostic precision, and predicting disease progression. Emerging techniques like connectomics aim to map the brain's intricate network of connections at unprecedented scales, revealing insights into brain function and dysfunction. Neuroimaging innovations are integral to personalized medicine, guiding treatment decisions and monitoring therapeutic efficacy. Challenges include accessibility, cost, and interpreting complex data sets, driving ongoing research and development. Overall, neuroimaging continues to evolve rapidly, pushing the boundaries of neuroscience and clinical practice, with profound implications for understanding brain health and disease.

The neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 have emerged as significant concerns, reflecting the virus's impact beyond respiratory symptoms. Patients may experience a range of neurological and psychiatric symptoms, including delirium, encephalopathy, stroke, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis . Long COVID, characterized by persistent symptoms after acute infection, often includes cognitive deficits, fatigue, mood disturbances, and anxiety. COVID-19's neurological effects are linked to direct viral invasion, neuroinflammation, and immune responses triggering autoimmune reactions affecting the nervous system. Psychiatric complications such as depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder  are heightened by the pandemic's stressors, isolation, and bereavement. Neuroimaging and biomarker studies reveal structural and functional brain changes in COVID-19 patients, underscoring the virus's neurotropic potential. Treatment involves multidisciplinary approaches integrating neurology, psychiatry, and rehabilitation to manage symptoms and support recovery. Long-term implications and the impact on mental health systems globally are subjects of ongoing research and concern. Understanding these complications is crucial for developing effective therapies and support strategies for individuals affected by COVID-19's neuropsychiatric sequelae.

Neuromodulation encompasses techniques that alter nerve activity through targeted delivery of electrical, magnetic, or pharmacological agents to specific neurological sites. The neurophysiological effects of neuromodulation vary depending on the method used. Electrical neuromodulation, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and deep brain stimulation , can modify neuronal firing patterns, enhancing or inhibiting neural activity to treat conditions like depression, Parkinson's disease, and chronic pain. Magnetic and ultrasound-based neuromodulation techniques offer non-invasive alternatives to traditional surgical methods, stimulating neural tissue without the need for implantation. Pharmacological neuromodulation involves using drugs to alter neurotransmitter levels or receptor activity in targeted brain regions, influencing mood, cognition, and pain perception. Optogenetics, a cutting-edge technique, enables precise control of neural activity using light-sensitive proteins inserted into neurons. Neurophysiological studies of neuromodulation techniques reveal mechanisms of action, such as synaptic plasticity, neurochemical changes, and network connectivity alterations. Real-time neuroimaging methods, like functional MRI  and electroencephalography, provide insights into how neuromodulation affects brain function and connectivity. Research focuses on optimizing stimulation parameters and targeting specific brain circuits to maximize therapeutic benefits and minimize side effects. The integration of neuromodulation with personalized medicine approaches tailors treatments to individual patient profiles, enhancing efficacy and safety. Ethical considerations, such as consent and long-term effects, guide the development and application of neuromodulation therapies. As technologies advance, neuromodulation continues to expand its therapeutic potential across a broad spectrum of neurological and psychiatric disorders, promising innovative solutions for improving quality of life and managing challenging conditions.

Neurovascular health refers to the condition and function of blood vessels supplying the brain, crucial for maintaining optimal brain function and preventing neurological disorders. The neurovascular unit involves a complex interplay between neurons, glia, and blood vessels, ensuring proper blood flow, oxygenation, and nutrient delivery to support neuronal activity. Dysfunctions in neurovascular health contribute to various neurological conditions, including stroke, vascular dementia, and cognitive decline. Research focuses on understanding the mechanisms underlying neurovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes, which compromise blood vessel integrity and cerebral blood flow regulation. Advanced imaging techniques like MRI and CT angiography allow visualization of cerebral vasculature and detection of abnormalities. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and smoking cessation play critical roles in promoting neurovascular health and reducing disease risk. Therapeutic interventions include medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood glucose, as well as surgical procedures like carotid endarterectomy to prevent stroke. Neurovascular rehabilitation programs aim to improve recovery and minimize disability post-stroke. Biomarkers and novel imaging technologies aid in early detection and monitoring of neurovascular diseases. Public health initiatives emphasize awareness and education about stroke symptoms, risk factors, and the importance of timely intervention. Multidisciplinary collaboration between neurologists, cardiologists, and vascular surgeons is essential for comprehensive care and management of neurovascular disorders. Ongoing research seeks to develop targeted therapies and preventive strategies to enhance neurovascular health, ultimately promoting optimal brain function and quality of life across the lifespan.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's remarkable ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life in response to learning, experience, injury, or disease. It underpins brain development from infancy through adulthood, shaping cognitive abilities, motor skills, and emotional regulation. During critical periods in early childhood, neuroplasticity allows the brain to adapt and refine neural circuits in response to environmental stimuli, laying the foundation for learning and behavior. Throughout life, neuroplasticity enables recovery and adaptation following injury or stroke, facilitating rehabilitation and functional recovery. Research explores molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuroplasticity, including synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, and myelination, which contribute to learning and memory formation. Environmental factors such as enriched environments, social interactions, and physical activity promote neuroplasticity and cognitive resilience. Neuroplasticity is impaired in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, prompting research into interventions that enhance adaptive brain changes. Therapeutic strategies, such as cognitive training, brain stimulation techniques, and pharmacological interventions, harness neuroplasticity to treat neurological and psychiatric conditions. Advances in neuroimaging and electrophysiology enable researchers to study neuroplasticity in real-time, mapping changes in neural networks and connectivity. Understanding neuroplasticity informs personalized medicine approaches that tailor interventions based on individual brain plasticity profiles. The concept of neuroplasticity underscores the brain's capacity for change and adaptation, offering hope for innovative therapies and enhancing brain health across the lifespan.

Neuroimmune interactions refer to the intricate communication between the central nervous system and the immune system, crucial for maintaining brain health and responding to challenges such as infections, injuries and autoimmune disorders. The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, while the immune system comprises cells, molecules, and tissues that defend the body against pathogens and maintain tissue homeostasis. Microglia, the resident immune cells of the CNS, play a pivotal role in immune surveillance, responding to neuroinflammation and injury. Peripheral immune cells, including T cells and macrophages, can cross the blood-brain barrier in response to inflammation or infection. Dysregulation of neuroimmune interactions contributes to neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, where chronic inflammation and immune responses impact neuronal function and survival. Research explores the bidirectional communication pathways between the CNS and immune system, including cytokines, chemokines, and neurotrophic factors that mediate immune responses in the brain. The gut-brain axis exemplifies how gut microbiota influence neuroimmune interactions, impacting brain function and behavior. Therapeutic approaches targeting neuroimmune pathways, such as immunomodulatory drugs and biologics, aim to mitigate neuroinflammation and promote neuroprotection. Neuroimmune modulation is also explored in the context of psychiatric disorders, highlighting the role of inflammation in mood disorders and stress-related conditions. Advances in imaging techniques and biomarkers allow for monitoring immune responses in the CNS, informing treatment strategies and predicting disease progression. Understanding neuroimmune interactions is crucial for developing novel therapies that target immune mechanisms to protect and restore brain function in health and disease.

Women's mental health encompasses the unique psychological, emotional, and social factors influencing women's well-being throughout their lifespan. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly during puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause, can significantly impact mood and mental health. Common mental health disorders affecting women include depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder , often influenced by societal expectations, gender roles, and experiences of violence or discrimination. Reproductive health issues such as infertility, pregnancy loss, and perinatal mental health disorders like postpartum depression are specific concerns. Intersectional factors, including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation, influence mental health outcomes and access to care for women. Trauma-informed care approaches are essential in addressing histories of abuse or trauma that disproportionately affect women. Effective treatment strategies include psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and holistic approaches tailored to women's unique needs and experiences. Advocacy efforts aim to reduce stigma surrounding women's mental health issues and promote gender-sensitive mental health services. Research in women's mental health explores biological, psychological, and social determinants of mental illness, aiming to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes. Integrative approaches that consider biological factors alongside psychosocial and environmental influences are crucial for comprehensive care. Empowering women through education, support networks, and accessible mental health services is key to enhancing mental well-being and resilience across diverse populations.

Advanced therapeutics for mental health disorders encompass innovative approaches beyond traditional pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, aiming to improve treatment outcomes and address treatment-resistant conditions. Neurostimulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy  deliver controlled electrical currents to specific brain regions, effectively treating depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. Deep brain stimulation  involves surgically implanting electrodes to modulate neural circuits implicated in disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder and treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine and other psychedelic-assisted therapies show promise in rapidly alleviating symptoms of depression, PTSD, and anxiety disorders by targeting neurotransmitter systems and promoting neuroplasticity. Personalized medicine approaches use genetic testing and biomarkers to tailor treatments, optimizing medication selection and dosing for individual patients. Virtual reality therapy offers immersive environments for exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral interventions, aiding in anxiety, phobias, and PTSD treatment. Digital therapeutics, including smartphone apps and wearable devices, provide accessible tools for symptom tracking, mindfulness training, and behavioral interventions. Integrative and holistic approaches incorporate lifestyle modifications, nutritional therapies, and mind-body practices to support mental health alongside conventional treatments. Collaborative care models integrate mental health services with primary care, enhancing accessibility and continuity of care for patients. Research continues to explore novel targets and mechanisms underlying mental health disorders, advancing understanding and treatment options. Ethical considerations, safety protocols, and patient consent are critical in the development and application of advanced therapeutics. Multidisciplinary collaboration among psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, and researchers drives innovation in mental health care, aiming to improve quality of life and outcomes for individuals living with mental illness.