Vahid Farnia
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Methamphetamine- Induced Psychiatric Disorders
Biography: Vahid Farnia
Amphetamine and methamphetamine are the principal members of amphetamine-type stimulants. Amphetamine usually prescribed for treatment of several mental disorders including attention deficit hyperactive disorder and narcolepsy. Illegal use of methamphetamine is a global and growing phenomenon and in recent years, there has been a significant increase in the production and use of methamphetamine worldwide. According to the World Drug Report, the amount of methamphetamine seized was increased from 34 tons in 2009 to 88 tons in 2013. In addition to the growing market for methamphetamine in Asia, there are also reports which show increasing use in some parts of the North America and Europe. Amphetamine-related psychiatric disorders are a group including several mental disorders which are induced by amphetamine use. Although the relationship between amphetamines use and development of psychiatric disorders are well established from several years ago, the data related to the prevalence, clinical features and treatment of these disorders are very limited. Considering the highly addictive nature, and its ability to produce psychiatric disorders, methamphetamine abuse is a major public health concern in the current century. While the number of the patients with methamphetamine induced mental disorders as well as the patients with abuse and chronic dependence on methamphetamine is growing, more comprehensive understanding of clinical course and treatment of these disorders seems necessary for mental practitioners. In this presentation, the author will talk about their studies regarding several amphetamine-induced psychiatric disorders including methamphetamine induced psychosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, and sexual disorders.