Crissy Accordino
Specialty Care - IONM Division, USA
Title: Clinical Performance of IONM (Intraoperative Neuromonitoring) in the Operating Suite
Biography: Crissy Accordino
Intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) can bring value to the operating suite. This presentation will review the expectations from adding this additional service to your practice. The talk will address the need for quality assurance processes and tell a story of the true purpose of IONM. A review of the benefit of utilizing a multi-modality approach, common signal changes, actions following changes, resolution of neuromonitoring changes, post-operative status, confound avoidance from a technical and anesthetic standpoint, and the necessity of performing safety checklists will be addressed during this demonstration. Learn how to walk through the processes of the use of IONM and look for opportunities of internal and external improvement to ultimately improve patient outcomes.