Call for Abstract

25th International Conference on Neurology & Neurophysiology, will be organized around the theme “Explore the Novel Innovations in the Field of Neurology and Neuroscience”

Neurophysiology 2021 is comprised of 12 tracks and 58 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Neurophysiology 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Neurology : It is branch of medicine which deals with disorders of nervous system which includes central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Neurology also includes diagnosis and treatment of both central and peripheral nervous system. Neurologists are one who treats disorders which are related to brain, spinal cord and nerves. They are about 600 neurological disorders which affect nervous system and muscular system still we have few unknown diseases on which research is going on.

Neurogenesis: A Series of action from nervous system cells, known as neurons are produced by  neural stem cells. Adult neurogenesis is differing markedly because it differs in mammals and adults. In mammals it is continually born whereas in adult it has two regions that is sub granular zone and sub ventricular zone. Much more attention has been paid to neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus than in the striatum. Neurogenesis play a vital role in memory, emotion, injury and many more.

  • Track 1-1Neurobiology
  • Track 1-2Brain Morphometry
  • Track 1-3Neural Stem Cells
  • Track 1-4Cellular Differentiation
  • Track 1-5Adult Neurogenesis

Neurophysiology : The physiology of nervous system is concerned with investigation of function in central and peripheral nervous system. A primary device which is used in neurophysiology is electrophysiological recordings such as patch clampvoltage clamp and recording of local field unit. Neurophysiology is mostly studied since 4000 B.C. It is a branch which also includes neuroscience. Both neuron physiology and neuroscience combine with each other to know the function.

Clinical Neurophysiology :

It is area of study through which bioelectrical activity is recorded it may be spontaneous or stimulated. Mostly encompasses both pathophysiology and clinical methods used to diagnose the disease in central and peripheral nervous system. Tests are conducted based on electrical functions of brain, spinal cord and nerves in limb and muscles. Electromyographyelectroencephalographyevoked potential and polysomnography are used clinical neurophysiology. Total monitoring of electrical activity in neurons is checked.

  • Track 2-1Treatment for Seizures and Abnormalities
  • Track 2-2Treatment for Seizures and Abnormalities
  • Track 2-3Experimental Neurophysiology
  • Track 2-4Neurophysiology of Pain
  • Track 2-5Systemic Neurophysiology

Neuroimaging : To measure the aspect of brain function, it helps in viewing activities occurring in certain areas and specific mental illness. It is research tool of cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. After centuries of research neuroimaging has came into existence in early 1970s and gave neuroscientist and  neuropsychologist a living and functional images of brain. A number of empirical research studies grew exponentially after the advent of neuroimaging devices as did the number of new medication. It is mainly of two types that is functional imaging and structural imaging.

Neurointensive Care: It medical field that treats life-threatening diseases of the nervous system and identifies, prevents/treats secondary brain injury. neurocritical care units are a collaborative effort  between neurointensivists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, radiologists, pharmacists, physician extenders (such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants), critical care nurses, respiratory therapistsrehabilitation therapists, and social workers who all work together in order to provide coordinated care for the critically ill neurologic patient.

  • Track 3-1Neurobiotics
  • Track 3-2Neural tissue Engineering
  • Track 3-3Functional Brain Evaluation
  • Track 3-4Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit
  • Track 3-5Neuroanaesthesia

Behavioural Neurology: It is very interesting and subspecialty of neurology that studies impact of neurological damage and disease upon memory and cognition. It is associated with neuropsychiatry and neuropsychology. This behavioural neurology was come in picture by United Council for Neurologic subspecialties. It mostly deals with behaviour, memory and cognition and their impact of damage and disease and treatment.

Neurorehabilitation is a complex medical process which aims to aid recovery from nervous system injury and to minimize and compensate for any functional alteration. The most important therapies are those that help people live their everyday lives. These include physiotherapyoccupational therapy, psychological therapy, speech, vision therapy, and language therapy, and therapies focused on daily function and community  re-integration. A particular focus is given to improving mobility and strength, as this is key to a person's independence. Development in neuroimaging techniques has greatly enhanced the scope and outcome of neurorehabilitation.

  • Track 4-1Neuropsychiatry
  • Track 4-2Neuropsychology
  • Track 4-3Cognitive Neurology
  • Track 4-4Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Track 4-5Sensory Prosthetics

This area is for the expertise and frontiers that excel in the field of neurology. Much anonymous advancement for the betterment of life in neurological field is to be discussed in this conference. Sharing the information about the perspective field of neurology as scientists are using their research with neurology to provide cutting edge improvements to therapies for patients with nervous system issues.

  • Track 5-1Recent drug development
  • Track 5-2Future research directions in brain disorders
  • Track 5-3Human echolocation
  • Track 5-4Delivery systems
  • Track 5-5Recent drug development
  • Track 5-6Novel Therapeutic Targets

Neuropharmacology : It is a branch which shows about cellular function in nervous system, and the neural mechanisms through which they influence behavior. There are two main branches of neuropharmacology are behavioural and molecular neuropharmacology . An understanding of drug action in the brain must integrate knowledge of  the molecular and cellular actions of a drug with their effects on  brain  circuitry  (it is one of the key concept of neuropharmacology)

Neurochemistry : It is branch of subject which deals with neurotransmitters and it also includes psych pharmaceuticals and neuropeptides. Neurochemistry mostly analyse the biochemistry, molecular biology of organic compounds in nervous system. The role in neural process as cortical plasticityneurogenesis and also neural differentiation.  Neurochemistry as a discipline traces its origin series of International neurochemical symposia.

  • Track 6-1Neurotransmitters
  • Track 6-2Cell Signalling Molecules
  • Track 6-3Signal Transduction Pathways
  • Track 6-4Neural Coding and Decoding
  • Track 6-5Neural Networks

The basic functions of neurons is to receive signal, Integrate incoming signals, communicate signal to target cell. It all takes place by cell body called SOMA. When soma nerves get injured or destroyed it leads to neurological disorders. This soma cells mostly controls breathing, swallowing, walking and speaking. Mostly destruction of that neuron leads to sclerosis multiple,  pseudobalbar palsy  and  muscular atrophy.

  • Track 7-1CNS Functions and its Disorders
  • Track 7-2Neurobiological Disorders
  • Track 7-3Demyelinating Disorders
  • Track 7-4Spinal cord Disorders

Neuroplasticity : It is combination of brain plasticity and neural plasticity, is ability of the brain change throughout the individual life. Usually brain activity associated with a given function can be transferred to a different location, the proportion of grey matter can change, and synapses may strengthen or weaken over time. It is observed  in multiple scales from microscopic changes in individual neurons to larger-scale changes such as cortical remapping in response to injury.

Neuroepidemiology : The neuroepidemological study is based on  neurological diseases distribution and determinants of frequency in human populations. Traditionally, neuroepidemiology has been perceived for a long time as a science of incidence, prevalence, risk factors, natural history and prognosis of neurological disorders. One and only part of neuroepidemology is called non experimental neuroepidemology.

  • Track 8-1Neural Back propagation
  • Track 8-2Multisensory Integration
  • Track 8-3NeuroPharmacotherapy
  • Track 8-4Neuroimmune Pharmacology

Neurocardiology is aspect of neurophysiologicalneuroanatomical and neurological aspects of cardiology. It mainly includes especially neurological origin of cardiac disorders. It is studied in sense with heart interactions with central and peripheral nervous system. Clinical issues of neurocardiology include cardiac intervention and cardiovascular findings. A succinate intervention of neuron which sometimes leads to arrhythmias and heart failure.

Neuro oncology : Deals with brain and spinal cord neoplasm it is most life threatening and dangerous. Among malignancy brain cancergliomas of brainstem and ponsglioblastoma multiforme, high grade astrocytoma is worst. In case of untreated survival usually amounts to only a few months, and survival with radiation  and  chemotherapy  treatment  may  extend  to  that  year or  more  based  on  the  immune  system.

  • Track 9-1Cardiovascular Systems
  • Track 9-2Neurocardiac Axis Link
  • Track 9-3Cardiovascular Systems
  • Track 9-4Brain and Spinal cord Neoplasms
  • Track 9-5Neurological Tumors

It is vast disorder which usually effects fetal to adulthood, it is about 16years where little human suffers from many abnormalities such as:

Currently paediatric neurology has been undergoing secondary and tertiary level of services where they manage to be cured by undergoing surgery in  paediatric intensive care unit (PICU)  and  the  neonatal ICU (NICU).

  • Track 10-1Movement disorders (Cerebral paresis)
  • Track 10-2Muscle diseases
  • Track 10-3Lysosomal storage disease
  • Track 10-4Development disorders
  • Track 10-5Brain malformations

In simple terms it is a field of science to know about nervous system immunity .It mainly an interaction of brain development, haemostasis and response to injury. neuroinflammation and neuroimmune has played a vital role in etiologic of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s,  Alzheimer’s  and multiple sclerosis.

It is fairly in existence that there is CNS and immune system interaction. Basic  neuroimmulogical  systems have slightly changed from past 10 years. It is important topic for neural implants.

  • Track 11-1Neural stem cell
  • Track 11-2Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Track 11-3Neuroimmunological disorders
  • Track 11-4Psychosomatic illness
  • Track 11-5Strabismus

Branch of science where neurology and ophthalmology comes together for visual treatment which cures visual problems related nervous system, where half of the brain activity depends upon visual activity.

  • Track 12-1Optic neuropathy
  • Track 12-2Eye movements
  • Track 12-3Retinal ganglion cell
  • Track 12-4Strabismus