Call for Abstract

23rd International Conference on Neurology & Neurophysiology, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the New Innovations in the field of Neurology”

Euro Neurology 2019 is comprised of 16 tracks and 107 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Neurology 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Neurochemistry or neurochemical transmission imparts signal or electrical impulse from one nerve cell to the target nerve cell by releasing certain chemical agents at the junction of two cells which influence the function of neurons. This communication is enabled by certain chemical messengers known as Neurotransmitters. This deals mainly with the neurotransmitters its classification, imbalance and elimination of those agents in cases of excitatory and inhibitory signal transduction. The experimental models for the synaptic connections between the ion molecules and drug interactions in various stages in Neurotransmitters. The basic scientists or Neurochemists influence the operation of nerve cells, synaptic connection, neuronal networks and to analyze the molecular biology of organic compounds in the nervous system and their roles in neural processes.  

  • Track 1-1Neurotransmitters
  • Track 1-2Cell Signalling Molecules
  • Track 1-3Signal Transduction Pathways
  • Track 1-4Neural Coding and Decoding
  • Track 1-5Neural Networks

The study of nature and origin of the brain which also concerns with the functioning of the nervous system, often using electrophysiological or molecular biological tools. This is the subspecialty of both the physiology and Neuroscience as different regions of brain constitute signals to different parts of the body. This topic could give detailed description about the revolutionized anatomy of nervous system, the motor response control system, thought processing and memory management system. Discussions can also be made in neuromuscular physiology, neural mechanisms of higher nervous activity and contemporary problems of Neuroscience can also be conferred. It features board investigations in the Neuropathology and interdisciplinary departments of Neuro ophthalmology, Neuro otology.

  • Track 2-1Disorder Diagnostics Modalities
  • Track 2-2Surgical Neurophysiology
  • Track 2-3Neurophysiology of Pain
  • Track 2-4Systemic Neurophysiology
  • Track 2-5Metabolic Disorders in Neurophysiology
  • Track 2-6Neurophysiology Facilitation of Respiration

It features a broad study of both the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system by recording the bioelectrical activity through the biosensors or electrodes thus monitoring the physiological values. This works as many interdisciplinary departments in hospitals as different diagnostic modalities which includes many neuroimaging equipment’s their operation and working procedures. It is mainly used to diagnose disease rather than to treat them. These tests can give precise information about the electrical functions of brain, spinal cord and nerves in all muscles of our body. Through neuroradiology a brief description about the definition of brain tumors, lesions and very much about the chemotherapy by revealing all its abnormalities. A note on the neurointensive care unit and intraoperative studies can be made based on the Neurosurgical advancements. Neurovascular devices and surgical imaging has been increased to a greater extent due to well acceptance of advanced devices among Neurosurgeons all over the world. 

  • Track 3-1Treatment for Seizures and Abnormalities
  • Track 3-2Stimulation of the Electrical Responses
  • Track 3-3Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
  • Track 3-4Assessment of Autonomic and Enteric functions
  • Track 3-5Experimental Neurophysiology
  • Track 3-6Diagnostic tests of Thalamocortical Rhythms

A very interesting and notable issue that is most commonly seen among the infirmity. The loss of the ability to execute or carry out learned purposeful movements. It concerns with the neurological basis of behavior, memory and cognition which mainly occurs as the aftermath of the neurological damage, disease and treatment thereof. The recent research of the behavioral neurology comes together with the Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology. These results in many communicational disorders and other mental disorders that can be rehabilitated or treated to a certain extent by exercises and advanced therapies. A new approach can be made therefore for the people who suffer from these types of mental disorders

  • Track 4-1Neuropsychiatry
  • Track 4-2Neuropsychology
  • Track 4-3Cognitive Neurology
  • Track 4-4Neurological basis of Memory
  • Track 4-5Impact of Syndromes and Diseases
  • Track 4-6synaptic Disorders

Neurocardiology highlights the present topic about cardiac afferent mechanisms that is responsible for cardiovascular reflexes as well as the efferent motor neurons. A great deal of research has been going on to delineate the neuroanatomical and functional organization of the autonomic nervous system which controls cardiac function. A comprehensive mechanism about the neurons that are innervating the heart in normal, diseased state. A succinct overview of neuron regulates the heart and results in some major clinical conditions such as arrhythmias and heart failure

  • Track 5-1Cardiovascular Systems
  • Track 5-2Neurocardiac Axis Link
  • Track 5-3Arrhythmias
  • Track 5-4Imbalance of Autonomic Neural Inputs
  • Track 5-5Changes in Neural Oscillations
  • Track 5-6Maintaining Homeostasis

The study of abnormal growth of the cancerous cells as neoplasms in brain and spinal cord is defined as Neuro oncology. It encompasses of basic, applied and clinical investigations that relate to the cancer and the nervous system. This results in the most life-threatening diseases like benign and malignant tumors namely gliomas in the brain stem and pons where astrocytoma is the worst. Untreated people may survive only a few months but with recent radiation techniques, chemotherapy their survival rate gets extent as there are also many other methods such as corticosteroids and Neurosurgical interventions.

  • Track 6-1Brain and Spinal cord Neoplasms
  • Track 6-2Malignant Brain Cancers
  • Track 6-3Neurological Tumors
  • Track 6-4Metastatic Tumors
  • Track 6-5Neuroimmunology
  • Track 6-6Neurodegenerative Disorders

The brain’s amazing ability to change and adapt that is to reorganize itself (cortical remapping) by forming new neural network throughout individual life course. It deals with the development of sensory functions as the brain is born immature and adapts to sensory input after birth. This concept also concerns with the theories of memory and learning which are closely associated with the experience-driven alteration of synaptic structure and function in studies of neural coding and decoding

  • Track 7-1Neurobiology
  • Track 7-2Brain Morphometry
  • Track 7-3Auditory and Visual Perception
  • Track 7-4Neural Backpropagation
  • Track 7-5Multisensory Integration
  • Track 7-6Cortical Remapping

Neuroimaging or Neuroradiology claims to fame the usage of the imaging techniques in order to analyze and treat ailments seen inside our body. The radiological modalities may be of structural and functional imaging which measures the brain activity, function and disease conditions. Special biomarkers are used for the vascular imaging that describes the medical condition from outside the body and therefore the global market values of biomarkers are increased enormously. An assorted imaging procedure includes X-ray radiographyultrasoundComputed Tomography (CT)Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and other recent advancements in imaging. 

  • Track 8-1Neurobiotics
  • Track 8-2Neural biomarkers
  • Track 8-3Neural tissue Engineering
  • Track 8-4Functional Brain Evaluation
  • Track 8-5Operating techniques of Imaging Devices
  • Track 8-6Interventional Radiology
  • Track 8-7Brain mapping
  • Track 8-8Recent Neural Imaging Modalities

Increase in technology and our understanding of the nervous system has led to the development of medical procedures in critical care unit. This can be done in various aspects such as surgical sensitivity and post-surgical complications. With an ever increasing average life expectancy, this meeting will offer an opportunity to gain insights on various clinical trials in the critical care unit.  

  • Track 9-1Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit
  • Track 9-2Surgical and medical Intensive Therapy Unit
  • Track 9-3Neuroanaesthesia
  • Track 9-4Transcranial Brain stimulation
  • Track 9-5Biosensors and Neuro feedback
  • Track 9-6Traumatic Brain Injury and Seizures

An expanding field of Neuroscience which mainly works to regain the lost ability and to recover patients from various nervous system disorders. This in turn also minimizes the loss by finding functional alternative solutions. It includes several necessitate extensive rehabilitation therapies and exercises for stroke patients. A global neurorehabilitation systems market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR during the years 2013 to 2018.

  • Track 10-1Physiotherapy and Speech Therapy
  • Track 10-2Sensory Prosthetics
  • Track 10-3Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
  • Track 10-4Occupational Therapy and Neuropsychology
  • Track 10-5Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Track 10-6Rehabilitation Exercises
  • Track 10-7Addiction Rehabilitation Therapies

It is admirable to discuss about the understanding of the nervous system which has led to the development of drugs and many novel medications. These are broadly classified into molecular and behavioral systems that are ahead of our imagination that has continued to rise with an increase in drug specificity and sensitivity. Many novel approaches are made for the treatment of neural disorders, synaptic spasticity, drug delivery in cell signaling system and the latest neuropharmacological therapy and drug development in the specific area. 

  • Track 11-1Molecular Neuropharmacology
  • Track 11-2Behavioral Neuropharmacology
  • Track 11-3Neuroimmune Pharmacology
  • Track 11-4NeuroPharmacotherapy
  • Track 11-5Pain management in Neuropharmacology
  • Track 11-6Neurological Recoverment
  • Track 11-7Neurochemical Transmission
  • Track 11-8Drug Discovery Challenges
  • Track 11-9Drug Discovery Challenges

The neuroepidemiological study is based on descriptive and analytic approaches that help to understand the complex causes of the major health problems and to develop effective technique to inhibit them. Biostatistics focuses on the development and application of many research methodologies in collecting, analyzing the epidemiological data used in biomedical and neurosciences. In preparing a statistical report, epidemiologists normally take the help of clinical physician’s diagnostic individual report.

  • Track 12-1Clinical traits of Neuronal Disorders
  • Track 12-2Distribution of Frequency in Human Populations
  • Track 12-3Evaluation of Determinants
  • Track 12-4Statistical Reports of Prevalence
  • Track 12-5Prognosis of Neurological Disorders
  • Track 12-6Efficacy of Neural Interventions

This area is for the expertise and frontiers that excel in the field of neurology. Much anonymous advancement for the betterment of life in neurological field is to be discussed in this conference. Sharing the knowledge about the latest information’s in the perspective field of neurology as scientists are using their research with neurology to provide cutting edge improvements to therapies for patients with nervous system issues.  

  • Track 13-1Future research directions in brain disorders
  • Track 13-2Human echolocation
  • Track 13-3Synaptic Pruning
  • Track 13-4Recent drug development and delivery systems
  • Track 13-5Novel Therapeutic Targets
  • Track 13-6Pre-Clincal Translational Modelling in Neurodegeneration
  • Track 13-7Neural cell Transplantation
  • Track 13-8Recent Neurosurgical Interventional Procedures

The study of neurons which is the functional unit of brain concerns with the brain’s normal functioning, neural disorders, diagnosis and treatment which includes every aspects about the condition of disease. This area of interest deals with the spine, the nervous system including its covering, blood vessels, afferent and efferent tissues. According to the UN report – Up to 1 billion people,  nearly one in six of the world’s population suffer from neurological disorders, from Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, strokes, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy to migraine, brain injuries and neuroinfections, with some 6.8 people dying of the maladies each year.  Though there are 600 known neurological disorders which affect our nervous system and our muscular system severely but still for most of the diseases treatment options are very limited and research is going on.


  • Track 14-1Neuroscience highlights
  • Track 14-2Clinical Neurology
  • Track 14-3Brain functions and deformations
  • Track 14-4Brain injuries and disorders
  • Track 14-5Neurogenetics
  • Track 14-6Neuroradiology
  • Track 14-7Neuropsychiatry
  • Track 14-8Neuromarketing
  • Track 14-9Case Studies on Neurology
  • Track 14-10Noogenesis

The process of formation of the neuron cells from the predefined cells to the adult neurogenesis is defined as Neurogenesis. This mechanism takes place during embryogenesis by the neural stem cells and progenitor cells. This mainly deals with the structure and functions of different types of nerve cells. Through a series of genetic mechanisms of cell fate determination, many different varieties of excitatory and inhibitory neurons are produced from different kinds of neural stem cells. The expansion process in space and evolution of intelligent matter. It also describes about the biophysical parameters of intellectual potential and new methods for the development of neural cells in different culture medium.

  • Track 15-1Adult Neurogenesis
  • Track 15-2Cellular Differentiation
  • Track 15-3Neural Stem Cells
  • Track 15-4Progenitor Cells
  • Track 15-5Embryogenesis Stage

The nervous system consists of two main divisions namely central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS includes the brain and spine functions whereas the PNS includes the somatic, autonomic and enteric functions and its disorders. A major portion of neurological diseases depends on improper functioning of these nervous systems. The disorders have diverse clinical characteristics and aetiologies that lead the pathway for different remedies in the form of neurosurgery and neuropharmaceutics. Neurologists and Neuropathologists basic scientists will bring the conclusion or discuss about the recent research work processing on for the betterment of the life of many maladies of neurological disorders

  • Track 16-1CNS Functions and its Disorders
  • Track 16-2PNS Functions and its Disorders
  • Track 16-3Neurobiological Disorders
  • Track 16-4Demyelinating Disorders
  • Track 16-5Spinal cord Disorders
  • Track 16-6Neuromuscular Transmission Disorders
  • Track 16-7Traumatic Disorders